Let Me Introduce You To:

Stefan is resident in 2nd Floor with a serious heart problem. He is two years old and - when lying in his cot - outshines Nadia Comaneci! He
is double jointed and, instead of holding and playing with a toy in
both hands, he simply puts his foot up to meet the hand and hand and foot take hold of the toy. Actually he is happiest when he stands on his head and keeps a steady position by having both feet held on to the top bar of the cot!
Reuben, long term patient in Oncology Department, bounces around smiling most of the time - calls often to my room in search of toys but always in the shadow of another boy.
That other boy is Marian, an abandoned child who feels Oncology Department to be his home. Who has not met Marian? He loves to be taken on outings and to be given remote controlled cars. Alas! His constant request is for batteries - so much so - I ask him if he eats them! Always he is so polite that it is hard to refuse him! Then there is little 2 yr old Raluca, in 7th Floor, an abandoned girl being treated for face malformation. To get dressed and to go to the playroom is her joy. Slowly she is developing a better sense of sharing and doctors and nurses are happy to see her walk proudly down the corridor. You must meet Willie. If he cannot come to you from his bed - he will smile and beguile - so you feel you cannot go without a chat and a gift for him! He knows what he wants and he is not shy to ask! Another to meet is Robert - colleague of Marian (same salon). He could get decorated with a gold medal for perseverance! Take a photo of him and his friends and, within half an hour or less he is at the door requesting the photo. Meet the very shy Denisa but very much loved in 5th Floor. At first she looks sad and "distant" but mention nail
varnish or jewellery and her face lights up and it is so good to invite her to choose (which she does eagerly)!